So I did not get the dream apartment.
As much as I would have liked living in a big, exposed brick loft, it was not in the cards. I thought I’d be crushed, but I’m on cloud nine! It definitely didn’t feel good to be beat out by another applicant in the moment, (I do love to win!), but it was all for the greater good considering I found a gorgeous 3 floor 3bedroom house to fill the 900sqft hole in my heart. And it was the same price as my Chicago 1bedroom. Crazy!
A quirky, vintage place in great condition in a hip neighborhood? What more could a virgin who can’t drive like me ask for? As a city girl, I haven’t had a full house since I was in high school. I never even aspired to it, honestly. I had adapted to downtown loft living and was great with that. It feels amazing to have this kind of sqaure footage while still having immediate access to everything that makes a big city great. I was planning on outsourcing to a second location to have a dedicated art studio, but now I can do it all from home. I can’t wait to get my hands on the keys and start throwing ridiculous dinner parties…My imagination is running wild!
We all know how much curating a home matters to me. If you’d like to indulge me on my interior design binge and help me get settled in, I would love Amazon giftcards. Items off my wishlist are always appreciated, but I’d be worried they’d get lost in the mail during this transitional time so lets stick with digital, please and thank you 🙏
DC, Chicago & Detroit, you are next!
I just got back from Chicago. It was exactly what I wanted from my first trip back to a city that will always be home. It was quiet and refreshed and filled with familiarity. Just what the doctor ordered. And I’m already ready for more!